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St Germain in the violet flame healing meditation

Are you feeling weighed down by negative energies or lower vibrations? Are you looking for a powerful tool to assist you in transmuting these energies and elevating your consciousness? Look no further than the Saint Germain violet flame meditation.

As one of the most important Ascended Masters of our time, Saint Germain is a powerful avatar and guardian of the violet flame. This divine energy has been dispensed by mother-father God at this time of great planetary shift to assist humanity in transmuting lower dimensional energy and elevating our collective consciousness.

By working with Saint Germain and invoking the violet flame, you can release and clear negative energy and patterns that are holding you back. This meditation is a powerful tool for personal transformation and spiritual growth.

I have personally worked with Saint Germain and can attest to the incredible impact this meditation can have on your life. By establishing a personal relationship with Saint Germain and invoking his presence, you can transmute negative energies and elevate your consciousness to new heights.

Join me in honoring the divine energy of Saint Germain and unlocking the transformative power of the violet flame meditation.